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1.44.0 - Rapid Platform

· 9 min read
Matt Franklin



Introduction of Cascading Lookups in Adaptive V3

This new release introduces cascading lookups in Adaptive V3, allowing selections to dynamically filter related options. This ensures a more streamlined and efficient user experience with relevant data choices.

The concept of Cascading Lookups

Cascading fields concept involves setting up a pair of fields - can be called as Primary and Dependent. The value of the Primary field dictates the possible values for the Dependent field.

Extend this concept to a pair of lookups ie. both Primary and Dependent fields are a lookup type of control. Therefore, the Primary lookup will have a list of values. Based on what the user selects in the Primary lookup, the Dependent lookup will present a filtered list available for selection.


Imagine a WHS manager is trying to select a WHS representative from each department. The manager faces difficulty navigating a long, unfiltered employee list.

The manager now uses cascading lookups and sets up Departments as the primary lookup and Employees as the dependent lookup. With cascading lookups, selecting the department first filters the employee list, making it easy to choose the correct representative quickly and efficiently.

Cascading Lookup logic

Step 1 - Show values of Column A from Table P (defined as Primary Lookup).
Step 2 - Let the user select an item.
Step 3 - For the item selected by user, take the value of Column B of Table P.
Step 4 - Equate the value obtained in Step 3 with Column C of Table D (defined as Dependent Lookup). Get all the items which match this criteria.
Step 5 - Show values of Column D from Table P for all items from Step 4.

Therefore, to set up Cascading Lookups we need to define:
Table P

  • Column A and
  • Column B

Table D

  • Column C and
  • Column D

Setting up the Cascading Lookups in Adaptive V3 Designer

We shall attempt to configure the above scenario in Adaptive V3 Designer.

To configure the cascading lookups, add two lookup controls to your canvas. For ease of explanation we name them as Primary and Dependent.

Set up the Primary Lookup as normal. Select the Table Departments as Lookup List and its column - Name as Lookup field. As per the normal behaviour of the control, this tells the system the table and column from where the values need to be displayed in the dropdown of the lookup. Therefore, in the Primary Lookup, the names of all the Departments will be displayed.

Similarly set up Dependent Lookup to show Full Name from Employees table.

Image showing two lookup controls added to the canvas

Observe the above image, every lookup control now has a new section in the Element Configuration Panel - Cascading.

This section allows you to define the attributes that converts two separate lookup elements into a pair of cascading lookups.

The Cascading section in the Element Configuration Panel should be filled only for the Dependent lookup.

Image showing fields of cascading section

The Cascading section has the following fields:

  1. Select Element - This is a dropdown field which will display titles of all the Lookup type of controls present on the Canvas. Select the Lookup element that you wish to set as Primary Lookup.

  2. To Field - Once the Primary Lookup element is selected, this field will display the list of the columns of the table set in Primary lookup. Select the column of the Primary Lookup against which you wish to equate the value.

  3. From Field - This field displays the list of all columns for the table set in Dependent lookup. Select the column with which you wish to equate the value of Primary Lookup.

This completes the simple set up of the cascading lookups.

Lets look at the behaviour of our Cascading Lookup as configured above:

  1. The Primary lookup shows the names of all the Departments.

Image showing Primary Lookup having names of departments

  1. Based on a Department selection, the Dependent Lookup shows a list of Employee Names that belong to the department selected in Primary.

Image showing employee names that belong to selected department

  1. Change the Department in Primary and the list of employees change in Dependent Lookup as well.

image showing change in employee list as the value of department changes

Custom configuration

A single lookup field can also be configured to show filtered values. Observe this field in the Cascading section of the Element Configuration Panel.

The discussion so far was oriented towards the configuration with Element

Image showing element fields in cascading section

If you select the Custom option, then instead of "Primary element" you can define the table and select an item from it.

Image showing custom fields in cascading section

The two new fields that appear on selecting Custom configuration are:

  1. Linked to List - This is a dropdown field and shall display the list of all the tables in the system. Select the relevant table here.

  2. Linked to ID - This is also a dropdown list and displays the values of title column for the table selected. Please note, although you select the title column, the system actually retrieves its record ID value.


The key point to note here is that when in Custom Mode, a single Lookup can also presents a filtered list as the parameters of the Primary Lookup are hard passed to it.

Image showing output of custom mode

In the above image, although the selected Department is IT, however, the employees of Projects Department are shown as per the Custom configuration.

Important Points to note about Cascading Lookups
  1. Cascading Lookups can function without establishing relationships via Connections.

  2. Care must be given while selecting the columns of Primary and Dependent Lookups based on Table definition. Both the columns should return comparable values. For instance, if one of the columns is a Lookup, it returns an ID value. Comparing this to a string will give an error.

  3. Cascading lookups work as one pair. You can define the same Primary for multiple Dependents.

  4. You can define a Multi-lookup as a Dependent as well. However, a Multi-lookups cannot function as Primary because the value matching is supported for one variable only.


  • Users can now tab through page elements without info tooltips being selected, improving navigation flow and accessibility.
  • Users can now open title fields or item columns in a new tab by pressing the Ctrl key while clicking, allowing for quicker multitasking.
  • Rapid support teams can now track errored process runs across the platform, improving issue resolution and monitoring.
  • Users can now copy and paste adaptive elements and conditional expressions, speeding up the design process and reducing repetitive tasks.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where attachment text overflowed its container.
  • Corrected the spelling of "Built-In" in the Type column of the Menus list. It is now spelled "Build-In".
  • Fixed issue where Explorer would not fetch or return data when a version change was applied.
  • Menu panels now close when users click outside the menu area, improving usability.
  • Fixed the collapse button functionality in the designer menus
  • Currency fields are now right-aligned for easier readability and comparison.
  • Fixed toggle visibility issue on attachment bars in tab strips.
  • Resolved Gantt view rendering issues to ensure expected visual representation.
  • Updated header bar colours on Gantt charts to align with branding.
  • Adjusted file explorer preview zoom level to a more suitable default of 100%.
  • Fixed issue with conditionally disabled menu items not updating after field value changes.
  • Fixed subquery column issue that caused "(no title)" to display instead of the correct title.
  • Resolved error that occurred when creating items with empty date or date-time lookups.
  • Corrected behaviour for Whole Number inputs to function as expected.
  • Fixed issue where not all fields were cleared when saving and adding a new embedded file template.
  • Resolved issue causing duplicate file references when replacing embedded files in public forms.
  • Fixed presentation of Percentage and Whole Number inputs in workflows, no longer displayed as strings.
  • Resolved issue where unrelated principals were populated in the "Assigned To" field when using a Rapid Unique Identifier.
  • Bot interaction history is now retained when switching between documentation and support.
  • Fixed issue with nested menu actions being incorrectly presented on data tables configured to "Item only."
  • Enhanced security by sanitizing HTML content in notification items.
  • Restored correct shape and format of user field inputs in Workflow.
  • Fixed error when pre-filling date and date-time fields in embedded forms.
  • Page now displays an appropriate message when a user without permissions tries to access Explorer, instead of crashing.
  • Fixed issue preventing workflows with collaboration buckets around swimlanes from being saved.

Adaptive fixes

  • Fixed issue preventing all files from saving when using the 'Save all' function in Adaptive V3.
  • Number inputs in Adaptive V3 now correctly respect Max, Min, and Step Size values.
  • Resolved issue where the parent lookup flyout appeared blank in public forms.
  • Adaptive forms are now properly deactivated when a task is aborted in a workflow.
  • Fixed crash when loading a public form with parent/child connections set to load nothing.
  • V3 documents are no longer visible when using the document picker in V2 Adaptive Designer.
  • V3 documents are no longer visible when opening the document picker in V2 Designer.
  • Improved validation UI for better user understanding and interaction.
  • Applied multiple UI and experience enhancements to Adaptive Designer.

1.43.0 - Rapid Platform

· 3 min read
Matt Franklin



Retain Page State on Refresh

In version 1.43 of the Rapid Platform, we've introduced a powerful new feature that preserves the state of your working page even after refreshing the browser.

Imagine you're in Explorer, working within the Tasks List:

  1. You've switched from the default "Active" view to "Not Started".
  2. You then search for a specific group of tasks using the Search bar.
  3. You hit the refresh button.

Image showing how the page state is retained post refresh

Previously, this would reset your session, forcing you to redo your adjustments. Now, with this update, the Rapid Platform will automatically restore the exact state you were in prior to the refresh, including your selected view and search results. This enhancement allows you to seamlessly continue your work without losing your place, minimising disruptions and improving efficiency. This is particularly beneficial for those who manage multiple tabs simultaneously.

With this improvement, accidental refreshes will no longer cause frustration, letting you pick up right where you left off.


  • Added support for middle-clicking and control-clicking menu items in Explorer to open them in a new tab of web browser.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where clicking "Process Diagrams" in the JumboTron after executing a workflow with an embedded form caused the data table to crash.
  • Resolved inconsistency where workflow diagrams displayed a footer in test environments but not in production.
  • Restored functionality of the menu buttons with on-click action set as "Raise Workflow Created Signal". The error "Cannot raise signal: Converting circular structure to JSON --> starting at object with constructor..." has been resolved.
  • Fixed breadcrumb corruption issue when opening a task from a process run.
  • Addressed an issue causing an infinite loop during the initial login after signing up for Rapid Platform.
  • Resolved error that occurred when executing a user task, which updated a SharePoint folder name.
  • Fixed issue where adding principals via OID would throw an error despite the operation succeeding.
  • Fixed the table crash issue that occurred when creating a new process diagram.
  • Resolved error encountered when launching a user task with an adaptive document.
  • Updated the Edit Diagram button on a process run in Explorer to generate the correct route, preventing page crashes.
  • Fixed error encountered when deleting a subtype on sites with disabled row-level security.
  • Resolved issue where the delete button was incorrectly disabled on item level on sites with disabled row-level permissions.
  • Addressed issue where deleted page components were not removed after saving and refreshing the page.

1.42.0 - Rapid Platform

· 3 min read
Matt Franklin



New Preview feature for Attachments

What is the change about?

This release brings a new feature to preview the attachment file without using the File Preview component. The option to preview the file is now placed within the attachment options along with Download and Remove.

Prior to Release v1.42.0Post Release v1.42.0
Image showing old attachment optionsImage showing new attachment options

How does the Preview work?

Clicking on the Preview option in the attachments will open a wide screen preview of the subject file.

Image showing preview of an attachment file

If the attachment slot holds multiple files, then the user can preview other attachments using the arrow icons (marked in the image above).

The name of the attachment being previewed appears in the middle of the ribbon.

What benefit does this feature bring?

With the addition of preview within the attachment options, the compulsion of adding a File Preview component to the Page is not there. The File Preview component sits on the Page and provides a constant preview of the selected file at the defined position on the Page.

Image showing File Preview component on Page

In many business situations, the requirement for having a constant preview of attachments is not there. The File Preview component, thus consumes space on the Page, which could be utilised for better experience.

The new preview feature functions like an on-demand preview of the file, when needed.

Key points of Attachment Preview

  1. The Preview option (along with download option) will remain disabled (ghosted) till the attachment file(s) is uploaded. The upload of attachments will happen when you press the Save button.

Image showing options disabled when attachment not uploaded

  1. If the attachment slot is created from an embedded file template, then based on the type of the template the options' appearance varies slightly:

    a. If the attachment slot is of Single type (ie. able to hold a single file as attachment) - the options will appear right below the slot.
    b. If the attachment slot is of Multiple type (ie. able to hold more than one files as attachments) - the list of files will appear below the slot and options for each attachment will appear in a separate, corresponding dropdown.

Image showing comparison of how options appear for single and multiple types of attachment slot


  • Required fields are now clearly labelled as "required" in v3 generated forms.
  • Enhanced public forms to indicate when they are in the process of being submitted.

Bug fixes

  • Corrected the positioning of the "This List is Empty" message in Data Tables (when viewed via Workflow).
  • Lookup fields to the base type on the create screen now autofill correctly.
  • Fixed issue where validation on repeating sections was incorrectly blocking form submission.
  • Resolved page crash issue when editing a menu item that opens a public form link.
  • Fixed cursor behaviour in validation configuration message box to prevent it from jumping to the end.
  • Addressed regression issue with multi-line text validation.

1.41.1 - Rapid Platform

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



This release focuses on usability and clean-up.


  • Interruption events can now be configured to a specific list item ID rather than relying on the signal event item.
  • Adaptive fields with masking no longer block submission if left empty
  • Added disabled state to side-bar menu items when blocked by permissions
  • Added a default details page for the Settings table
  • Cleaned up the UI for configuring menus
  • Added support to clone multi-lookup fields when cloning items
  • You can now delete pages from a site in Designer
  • Added more styling options to Radio inputs in Adaptive Designer
  • Improved contextual memory when navigating Explorer (views and tabs should be more stable)
  • Added support for Product owned links for the Support Request panel

Bug fixes

  • Ensured validation messages are displayed in Adaptive Documents on submission
  • Reinstated page scroll when configuring pages in Designer
  • Fixed some cases where creating a state in Adaptive Designer would fail
  • Ensured the OData in() operator can regard base list columns on sub-types
  • Prevented page crash when hovering 'Change Type' right-click menu option in Adaptive Designer
  • Fixed helper links for page creation buttons in Tasks experience to navigate to the correct Adaptive Designer
  • Added handling for Currency inputs to Workflow from the Launch panel
  • Added handling for Date inputs to Workflow from the Launch panel
  • Removed being able to directly create universal links as an item in Workflow

1.40.0 - Rapid Platform

· 13 min read
Matt Franklin



Unification of Attachments and Embedded files components

Prior to this release (v1.40), the Rapid Platform has two components which the users could use to attach files against table items. These components were:

  1. Embedded Files
  2. Attachments

Attachments and Embedded Files have always occupied a similar space. Frequently we have been asked about the difference between them and when to use either. With this new release both approaches have been collapsed into a singular Attachments system to make managing files on items simple.

Although, both the components principally served the same functionality of attaching files against items; however, there were finer differences in functionalities offered by the two components.

Post release v1.40, all the functionalities of Embedded Files and Attachments are merged together under the title Attachments.

Under Attachments, we now have:

  1. Attachment File Bar (the parallel to Embedded files)
  2. Attachments component

Attachments in Designer

No more Embedded Files component in Designer

The Embedded Files component can no more be seen in the Components list. The Attachments component can be added, as normal.

Image showing comparison of components across versions pre and post 1.40

Please note

The Attachments component added from the "Add a component" panel displays the list of attached files in Explorer. This may not be visible to the users in Explorer, if there are no files attached.

Image showing Attachment component added in Designer but not visible in Explorer

The users in Explorer cannot add files to the Attachments component until the Attachment File bar is enabled from the Tab Strip and the first file is uploaded there.

Enabling the Attachment File bar

To provide the ability to upload files in Explorer, you need to enable the Attachment File bar from Tab Strip.

Please consider the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Designer of your desired Table.
  2. Goto Design Tab and select Singular (Item level) set of pages
  3. On the Tab Strip, click the Edit icon.

Image showing click point to enter Edit panel of Tab strip

  1. The Tab Strip Edit panel will open showing the list of all the tabs. Toggle the "Show Attachment File bar" button for the tabs where you want to provide the users with ability to access Attachments.

Image showing Edit panel of Tab Strip highlighting Show attachment file bar toggle button

Attachments in Explorer

Adding files

When the Attachment File bar is enabled for the tab, the user can see an "upload" icon at the top left corner of the tab page.

Image showing Upload icon on Attachment File bar

The user can click the icon and the upload the desired file from a directory location.


The user can also drag and drop the file(s) at the icon.

As soon as the file is dropped at the icon, it gets uploaded as attachment to the subject item.

Image showing files attached in Attachment file bar and attachment components

Please note

If the Attachments component is added to the page in Designer, then it will show the list of attached files in Explorer.

Please note

If there is an Attachments component added to the page AND the user have added the first file to the Attachment File Bar, THEN the user can add more attachments by drag and drop to the Attachments component as well.

Please note

You can select multiple files and upload them simultaneously.

Appearance and features of Attachments in Explorer

The Embedded Files appearance and features are available in the Attachment File bar.

Attachment File Bar

Image showing Attachment File bar

  1. As soon as the first file is attached, a rectangle titled "Attachments" appears (Attachment File bar).

  2. A small image identifier of the file displays at the left of the Attachment file bar, if the uploaded file is of an image type. This identifier also indicates the count of the files attached through this pattern. If the file count exceeds 4, the pattern shows first four images.

Image showing changing identifier pattern as attached files number is changed

  1. The name of the file attached is displayed.
Please note

If there are more than one files attached, then the name of the first file in the stack is displayed.


As the user clicks on the Attachment File bar rectangle, a list of all the files attached appears.

  • More files can be uploaded.
  • Individual files can be downloaded / removed.
  • All files can be removed.

Image showing features of Attachment File bar

The Attachments component appearance and features are retained in the Attachments component.

Attachments component

The appearance and features of Attachments component are retained.

Image showing Attachments component

  1. File identifier image
  2. File name
  3. Download file
  4. Remove file

Relationship with Files Browser component

As soon as the first file is added as attachment to the item, an "Attachments" folder is created in the defined SharePoint directory of the item.

This can be accessed through the Files Browser in the Files Tab of the Item.

The "Attachments" folder will have all the files uploaded to the SharePoint automatically.

Image showing attachments folder visible in Files browser component in Files tab


All the features and functionality of Embedded Files and Attachments is retained and unified as "Attachments".

The all new Visualisation Component

This release introduces the cool 2D chart visualisation component.

Imagine a Project Manager trying to analyse the distribution of project tasks statuses (completed, in-progress and pending for start) from table data. It would be with a simple pie chart. Isn't it!


Imagine yourself as a finance manager, trying to crunch numbers analysing changes in pattern of average asset values for a particular type of asset across the last two financial years. A bar graph can be such a life saver!

This new visualisation component makes the assimilation of data easier, without the need to navigate off the table page (to load a specific Power Bi report).

How to add the visualisation component?

To add a visualisation component, please consider the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your desired table in Designer.
  2. Goto the Design tab and select the page where you want to add the visualisation.
  3. Open the Add a Component panel on the layout / page by clicking the + icon.
  4. In the Add a Component, observe the section - Visualisation.

Image showing Visualisation section in components

  1. Click Visual to add the component to the layout / page.
Please note

The visualisation section, at present, as two components
a. Counter component
b. Visual component

The Counter is an existing component, however, the Visual component has a capability to configure a counter and with a greater capacity to express data (discussed later in this article).

We will discuss the Visual component in this article.

Please note

If you are adding a visual component to the list page, it is a good practice to first add a Tab Strip and then add Visual component to a separate tab. This way the user can view the list and the visualisation based on specific need.

If adding the Visual component on a page along with other components, it is important that the width and height of the component is kept large enough, so as to accommodate visual information properly.

Image showing visual component on page

Configuring the Visual component

To configure this component, please consider the following points:

  1. Once the component is added to the page, it appears in Red colour. This indicates that the component is not configured correctly yet.

Image showing unconfigured visual component

  1. Click on the edit (pencil) icon.
    Image showing edit preferences for component A panel to edit component preferences open up.

  2. Configure the component.
    Following is the description of each field of the Visual component Edit preferences panel.

Image showing fields to configure visual component

a. Part of module - This is a dropdown field. It has the list of all the modules available for your site. If your component belongs to a specific module, you can select the same in this field.

b. Type of chart - Here you can select the nature of chart in which you want to display information.

There are four options available at present:
i. Pie
ii. Donut
iii. Bar
iv. Counter

Please note, you can select only one of the types. Although this field is not mandatory at present, you need to select a type to meaningfully configure the component.

c. Title - This is the title of your chart. It appears on the component in Designer and above the chart in Explorer. Although this field is not mandatory, however, it is a good practice to provide an appropriate title to your chart, so that it assists everyone in interpreting the information better.

Next is the Source Data section.

d. Table - This is a dropdown field. Clicking on this field will open a list of all tables present in the site. Select your desired table from this list. Please note this is a mandatory field.

e. View - Based on the Table selected, all the eligible Views appear in this dropdown list. Select the View of your choice here. The name of the selected View will also appear on your component in Designer.

Please note

Every 2D chart is based on a minimum of two variables.

First is the independent variable. The independent variable defines the group or category for which the chart is plotted.

The second is the dependent variable. It defines what value to plot for each state of independent variable (ie. each group or category).

For example - A chart can be plotted to depict average $ value of all assets by asset condition. Here, condition of asset is independent variable which defines the group or category. Condition can be Excellent, Good, Fair or Not Working.

The chart will plot dependent variable - average $ value - for each state of independent variable ie. of each group or category.

f. Group By Field - Here you can define independent variable - the group or category for which the value needs to be plotted. This is a dropdown field. Clicking on this field will open up the list of all the columns of the selected table (except those of Multi-lookup type). The column title appears with its type mentioned in brackets. Click your desired table column as independent variable.

Aggregate Fields section

g. Add Aggregate button - Click this button to add the dependent variable. As you click this button a set of three fields will appear in this section.

Image showing fields to add aggregate variable

Please note

The aggregate section allows you define the dependent variable for the chart.

It is important to note that you need to define at least one dependent variable for all chart types.

However, you can define more dependent variables for Bar chart and Counter types.

Pie and Donut chart work with only one dependent variable.

With every click on Add Aggregate button, a new set of fields will appear, allowing you to configure more dependent variables.

Please consider the below description of fields for aggregate (dependent) variable.

i. In case when there are multiple aggregates (dependent) variables defined, this allows you to arrange the variables in correct order. By click and drag on this icon you can reorder the variables up and down in the list of multiple aggregate variables.

ii. Name - You can type the name of the aggregate (dependent) variable here. It appears in the chart in Explorer.

iii. Field - This is a dropdown field. As you click on this field a list of all columns of the table (as selected in d. above) will appear. Again, the multi-lookup types do not feature in this list. You can select the desired column as your dependent variable. Please note this is a mandatory field.

iv. Type - The type field provides the function operator based on which the value of the selected aggregate variable is calibrated. This is a dropdown field. There can be six options:

Image shown the possible values for aggregate field

The option names are self-explanatory of their meaning.

Please note

If you select the blank as a value for this type, the aggregate variable will become ineffective and will not appear in the chart.

This is a mandatory field and needs to have a non-blank value.

v. Bin - Click on the bin icon to delete the aggregate variable.

Please note

You can configure multiple aggregates.

Image showing two aggregate variables configured

4 . Save the page for the configuration to take effect.

How does a successfully configured visual component appear in Designer?

Image showing successfully configured component in designer

A successfully configured component appears white, while a component not configured properly shall appear in red background.

It provides the following information.

  1. The type of chart selected
  2. Title of the chart
  3. View of the table selected

Sample of charts with one aggregate variable

Pie chartDonut chart
Image showing Pie chartImage showing Donut chart
Bar chartCounter
Image showing Bar chartImage showing Counter

Sample of charts with two aggregate variables

Bar chartCounter
Image showing Bar chart with 2 aggregatesImage showing Counter with 2 aggregates
Please note

It is important that the choices of variables and configuration are meaningful. For example - if you select a Single line of text type of aggregate variable and ask the system to calibrate its average, then such a combination does not return any meaningful value.

In such cases, the component will break and it will not load / render on the Explorer page.

Image showing component not rendering in Explorer


  • Improved adaptive condition expressions to handle nested connections
  • Improved adaptive validation expressions to handle nested connections
  • Increased the size of the expanded multi-line text fields in explorer
  • Added default date configuration for date fields
  • Improved validation message presentation to not be so sticky
  • Added Required star configuration support to Date and Choice adaptive inputs
  • Added the connection for elements when picking an element through v3 Designer
  • Single line of Text columns can now define their character limit (default 512)
  • Workflow signal changed() function can now respect missing columns

Bug Fixes

  • Enabled configuration on file upload component in Adaptive v3
  • Prevented Explorer documentation component from overflowing text
  • Updated htmlToText() lodash function to not insert extra line breaks
  • Deleting a connection in v3 Designer no longer deletes unrelated connections
  • Prevented page crash on sign-up experience when the user has a fresh tenant
  • Default value configuration on v3 Adaptive elements are now respected
  • Fixed v3 rich text components being stuck in upper case
  • Enabled menu permissions to apply to nested menu items
  • Fixed public forms embedded files failing to respect the filename and drive configuration
  • Updating a title via workflow no longer skips keeping SharePoint folders in sync
  • Updating sub-type items will now keep their SharePoint folder in sync

1.39.0 - Rapid Platform

· 7 min read
Matt Franklin



System Settings Table

While creating reports in Rapid Platform, it is not an uncommon to be want to create links to items within the report. You can now dynamically generate these links to regard the site they come from using the new Settings table. This table holds configuration information about the site itself, such as its identity.

The problem To link an item in a report, a URL is required. This URL to the item has the title of the Tenant and Site.

Previously this would need to be baked into the reports themselves as the site was not aware of its own identity.

This notably failed in reporting scenarios that spanned multiple sites, or product reports that are deployed dynamically to customer sites.

The solution - "Settings" Table In release v1.39, there is a new system list created with the title - "Settings". This Settings table has two columns - Title and Value.

Image showing columns tab in designer for Settings table

This table stores the following about the subject site:

  1. The Site Title
  2. The Site ID
  3. The Tenant Title
  4. The Tenant ID
  5. The Environment

Image showing data in explorer for Settings table

Using the Settings Table, the problem is addressed. The title and id of the site is now stored in the system and hence is accessible by the report for creating links.

Using Settings in PowerBI

Settings is just a normal list as far as loading its data into your PowerBI reports. If you're interested in getting started straight away, here is a simple way to start generating dynamic links:

  1. Load the settings table into your data model directly grabbing the Site and Tenant values Image showing query to fetch site and tenant titles from Settings table

  2. These are single row values, so use a measure to flatten the value into a scalar string for easy future referencing using the MAXX function Image showing ScalarSite and ScalarTenant tables

  3. Setup the link URL using the values from the scalar Site and Tenant values you've created, the concatenation & operator makes this nice and easy Image showing URL for report link to item

Process Clean up

Processes frequently rely on certain items for the process to make sense. When a process run is triggered from a signal event the triggering item is now flagged as important to that process run. With this new feature, deletion of the important item will now abort the associated process(es).

This is an early feature exploring automated clean-up. Any feedback on what you expect, how it behaves and what you imagine it working would be greatly appreciated.

Conditionally Enabled Menus

Menu items can be configured to perform specific actions like triggering a workflow, opening an adaptive document, sending an email etc.

There can be occasions when the defined action is eligible based upon a certain condition.

For example - consider a menu button is configured to trigger a workflow - to "wrap-up the project". This process involves sending out thank you emails to all stakeholders, checking for any pending deliverables, unpaid invoices, release of resources etc.

A project wrap-up is only eligible for projects having status - "completed and ready for wrap-up". Imagine an employee (by mistake) clicks the "wrap-up project" button for an "in progress" project. This can cause anxiety and frustration among stakeholders, along with data changes that may be difficult to manage.

You can now enable / disable the menu button based on specific conditions.

Steps to conditionally enable a menu

  1. Navigate to your desired table in Designer.
  2. Goto the Menu tab.
  3. There is a field titled - "Conditionally Enable".
Please note

The Conditionally Enable field is visible when the location to display is either "Both" or "Item". This field will not be visible if the location to display of the menu is set as "Table".

Image showing field to configure condition visible / invisible based on location of menu selected

This is because, the functionality to enable / disable menu button checks for the condition at the item level. It does not hold any meaning at the list level.

With reference to behaviour of enable / disable of menu button's location on List / Item pages, please consider the following:

  1. If the location to display is set as "Both" AND there is a condition specified in the "Conditionally Enable", then the subject menu button will always be disabled for the List page. It will be enabled or disabled on the item page based on whether the condition is met or not.

  2. If the location to display is set as "Item" AND condition is specified in the field, then the menu button will be enabled / disabled based on whether the condition is met or not.

  3. If the location to display is set as "Table", you cannot specify the condition as the field "Conditionally Enable" will not be visible in Designer.

  4. If the location to display is set as "Both" OR "Item" AND there the "Conditionally Enable" field is left blank, then the menu button will always appear as enabled on both List Page and Item Page (if location as Both) and Item Page (if location as Item).

  1. Provide the condition in the field. The syntax for the condition uses our OData filter query syntax. Fundamentally, there are three elements to the OData filter query
    a. The column name. For example - project_status.
    b. The operator. For example - eq (stands for equals).
    c. The value to be operated against. For example - 'Completed and ready for Wrap-up' (the string value needs to be provided in single quotes)

Image showing OData syntax in field to specify condition

To learn more about OData $filter query click here.

  1. Click Save.

Output in Explorer

The menu button is enabled on the item page when the specified condition is met.

Image showing menu enabled as condition met

The menu button is disabled on the item page when the specified condition is not met.

Image showing menu disabled as condition not met


  • You can now edit, remove and add to lists installed from a product definition
  • Enabled editable system fields to be altered by data association update actions
  • Adaptive v3 validation rules now only process once per pass
  • Lookups & Multi-lookups can have default views configured in Public Forms
  • The element picker in Adaptive Designer can now add elements in nested contexts
  • Adaptive repeating contexts can have their default number of repeating sections configured
  • Unique / Generic flags on Adaptive documents has been replaced with a global save button
  • Adaptive Boolean elements can now display an undefined or null state
  • Improved scrolling behaviour in Public Forms for mobile users
  • Menus can now have descriptions added to them, displayed as a info call out
  • Set the default time on DateTime pickers in Explorer to midday
  • Added warning message to Data Cans that they can only fetch up to 250 items
  • Added better pattern matching in Adaptive validation rules
  • Updated system generated emails to use new branding
  • Huge improvement to styling of Adaptive validation configuration controls
  • Enabled default view configuration for lookups generated in Embedded Forms

Bug Fixes

  • When configuring the create page the details page is no longer affected
  • Fixed installing PowerBI workspaces from failing as often
  • Disabled fields with validation, especially from modules, no longer prevent item creation in Explorer
  • Padding on Adaptive currency fields now regards the selected currency type
  • Improved consistency when setting the SharePoint folder name automatically based off a Computed field
  • Fixed field placeholder values not being able to be set in Designer
  • Multi-Lookup fields in Explorer will now actually clear all selected elements when told
  • Fixed the Time picker component failing to display when configured in Adaptive Designer
  • Date inputs on process diagrams will no longer be stored as ISO DateTime strings but instead yyyy-MM-dd date strings

1.38.0 - Rapid Platform

· 5 min read
Matt Franklin



Creating and enquiring about support requests

What is a support request?

A support request is a unit communication between the system user and the system's support staff. A user can create a support request when he/she is not able to proceed with a system functionality on his/her own or with the help of documentation. This indicates the need for assistance and a support request is a method to seek that assistance from support staff.

Users can also use support requests to submit bugs or improvement requests.

How to create a support request?

To create a support request consider the following points:

  1. In Explorer, click the chatbot icon.

Image showing how to access chatbot in Explorer

  1. The chatbot assistant panel will open. Click on Support.

Image showing Support Chatbot panel

Please note

Rapid Platform uses two different Chat bots; one trained on each - documentation and support.

  1. You need to fill out the three mandatory fields:

Image showing the three mandatory fields to raise a support ticket

  • Subject - This a text field. Type in the subject of your support request here. It is a best practice to keep the subject crisp and relevant so that the support team can understand and refer to the issue effectively.

  • Scale - This is a dropdown field. Scale indicates the severity of the issue for the user. There are five levels of scale (in increasing order of severity). Select the most relevant scale value for your support request.

Image showing five scale options

  • Description - This is a free-text (multi-lines of text) field. You can use this field to describe the issue with as much details as possible.
Please note

Description is a richtext field. Therefore, you can use formatting options and also add images etc. as we do in a text editor.

To enter text editor mode, just click on the arrow icon at the top right corner of the Description field.

Image showing how to enter text editor mode for Description field

  1. Click "Submit".

Image showing Submit button

Please note

The Submit button shall become active only when all the three the fields are populated. Otherwise it remains in the inactive state.

Once the support request is submitted successfully:

a. A success message will be displayed in the Support Chatbot panel.

Image showing success message for support ticket creation

b. An email confirmation will be sent to your inbox.

Image showing email confirmation message for support ticket creation

Please note

The email will display the subject of your support request, appended with a system generated number. The email will also have a "Go to chat" button. If you click on "Go to chat" button, it will open the Microsoft Teams chatroom, which will connect you to the support team. The support team can ask you more relevant questions here, and you can use the chatroom to provide more details about the issue.

How to enquire about a support request

Users can enquire about their support requests (submitted in past), from the chatbot.

The chatbot will respond with the status of the request.

To enquire about a support request, please consider the following points:

  1. In Explorer, click the chatbot icon.

Image showing how to access chatbot in Explorer

  1. The chatbot assistant panel will open. Click on Support.

Image showing Support Chatbot panel

  1. In the "Ask a question" field, type in your query regarding the support request.

Image showing how to query the chatbot for support tickets

  1. Click submit.

The chatbot will respond with appropriate answer.


  • / characters in DocX file names will no longer be set to _
  • Huge improvement in save & load times for pages, especially on large sites
  • Improved support in Workflow OData filters for tables/columns that begin with a numeral
  • Improved Adaptive Radio controls justified styling
  • Added support for validation on repeating sections in Adaptive v3
  • Huge improvement to the validation configurator for Adaptive v3
  • Added required visual toggle for input fields in Adaptive v3
  • Added Date column support in Adaptive v3
  • Added delete confirmation when deleting a column
  • Ensured the Get Item service task that fails to get an item throws an error
  • Disabled needing a principal configuration when setting up Board components in Designer

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed signing up with certain Azure permissions throwing an error
  • Adding a Principal to a Role will no longer error out
  • Fixed manual upload being erroneously applied to the file browser in some scenarios
  • Prevented data association update actions from being able to alter system managed fields
  • Disabled double submit on public forms when mashing the button

1.37.0 - Rapid Platform

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



Modular Rapid

You can now group up tables, menus and pages into logical units we call Modules. These modules can be toggled on/off to give more complete control over your site.

You can read up on how to create and manage modules here.

New and Improved Notifications interface

This release brings out an improvement how the notifications appear in Explorer.

The new notifications interface makes it easier to pickup the mentions and reminders from the remaining list. Prior to this release, there were no visual alerts in Explorer to notify the unread notifications. One had to access the notifications area to view the list of unread ones.

Notification with Alerts

The new notification interface will show both the header and the body (without truncating it) in the notification list itself. This brings ease of viewing the notification and reduces the time to assimilate the message.

Image showing comparison between old and new notifications interface with reference to header and body of notification

You can find out more about Notifications here


  • Adding principals in User Consent flagged sites will now update their SharePoint permissions
  • Disabled lookups no longer disable the 'go to' button
  • Page save times have been dramatically improved
  • Added mark all as read notifications button

Bug Fixes

  • Date columns on inherited tables will now format their values on data tables correctly
  • Persistent forms will no longer update their prefill data on submission
  • Fixed deleting date columns leaving trash behind
  • Trigger Workflow menu buttons now show Date inputs correctly
  • Prevented uploading files into the file browser creating duplicate files

1.36.0 - Rapid Platform

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



Bulk Update via Data Associations

You can now update a collection of items with the same value in Workflow! Bulk update support is achieved via the Data Association element, just like single update and creation.

For example: Example Project Setup Process

Say you had a process for formally setting up a project, along with all the tasks. As part of this process is an approval stage. If the project wasn't approved it would be pretty tedious to shut down all the tasks.

Example Data Association Configuration

Instead you can now use a data association to update a Data Can that fetches many items, which will then set the chosen values for each of them. Here we use the can to select all the tasks associated with the project, then set their status to Aborted to cleanly shut them down.


  • Added documentation component to Explorer to display static text on a page for instructional purposes
  • Added support to sign-up experience to link an existing site
  • Enabled fetching an updated SharePoint token when a page has been open for more than half an hour
  • Enabled the delete button on Views in Explorer
  • Improved file drop handling in the File Browser component
  • Added admin consent button into Designer

Bug Fixes

  • Updated DocX parser to not leak inner scoped keys to higher scopes
  • Fixed page crash when configuring Fill Document service task
  • Prevented File Preview component controls overlapping inner content
  • Updated out of date integrations to no longer error on SendGrid configuration

1.35.0 - Rapid Platform

· 7 min read
Matt Franklin



1. Hide View selection panel from a Lookup / Multi-lookup in Explorer

This feature relates to Lookup / Multi-Lookup column types and Table Views.

Lookups / Multi-Lookups are special types of columns. Not only they link tables with each other, at the user level (in Explorer), they provide the ability to:

  1. View all data of linked fields
  2. Select any data from linked fields

This is made possible by the ability to select / change Views while selecting a Lookup / Multi-Lookup value.

This can be a double edged sword.

For example - a Projects Item has a field - "Client". Client is a Lookup on "Contacts" Table which stores the information of all contacts for the organisation.

Image showing a Lookup field in Explorer

Clicking on the Lookup - Client field, the list of Contacts open in a dropdown. The right side provides the ability to change the view.

Image showing Lookup field shows values and side panel provides ability to change Views

Although the field was meant to select a customer, a User can also view information on Suppliers / All contacts of the organisation. This can be a potential threat to confidentiality.

New Feature

This new feature provides you with the ability to hide the View selection panel.
If the feature is set to hide the View selection panel, the user will only see results as per the default View set / Item Filter configured in Designer.
The user (in Explorer) would not be able to change the View and cannot access information from other Views.

How to hide/show Views in Lookup / Multi-Lookup

Please consider the following steps:

  1. In Designer, go to your desired Table (where the subject Lookup / Multi-Lookup field is present)
  2. Go to Columns Tab
  3. Select the subject Lookup / Multi-Lookup field.

Image showing selecting a Lookup field in Columns Tab for a Table in Designer

  1. Notice a new checkbox - "Toggle Side Panel Visibility"

Image showing Checkbox field titled Toggle Side Panel Visibility

If this field is:

a) Checked - it means the Side Panel to select / change Views will be absent b) Unchecked - it means the Side Panel to select / change Views will be present

Image showing how Toggle Side Panel checkbox works

Please note
  1. If you have set the default view and checked the "Toggle Side Panel Visibility" then the Lookup / Multi-lookup will show only the values as per the set default View.

Image showing Default View setting in column

  1. If no default View is mentioned on the system will take the "All" View as default and Lookup / Multi-lookup will show all values.

Image showing default view as blank in column

  1. If an Item Filter is set then the set rule will take precedence over the default View and the values in the Lookup / Multi-Lookup will be appear accordingly.

Image showing Item Filter in column

  1. The checkbox - Toggle Side Panel Visibility can be set while creating a Column as well.

2. The Rapid Signup Experience

This release is significant as it unveils the Rapid sign-up Experience. Users can now buy Rapid from Microsoft store. The whole sign-up experience covers the spectrum from purchasing the Rapid product from Microsoft and installing it.

Below are a sequence of steps to showcase the journey through sign-up.

  1. Goto This is the Microsoft AppSource page for Rapid Platform - Developer product. Image showing Microsoft Appsource Page for Rapid

  2. It is important to ascertain that your region is selected as Australia. Rapid Platform currently available for Australia region only. Image showing how to change region on AppSource

  3. Click "Get it now" button. There is another option - "Starting at Free". It will also initiate the same process. Image showing Get it now option

  4. Sign-in with your email account. Image showing sign in Page

Please note

It is possible that post sign-in your country has changed, you need to select the region as Australia again. Image showing post sign-in page with region other than Australia

  1. Post Sign-in, you will see the Rapid Platform Page. Presently it shows only Developer Product, but this is where all future products will appear for selection. Click "Get it now". Image showing Get it now option

  2. Next you will get the Checkout Page. This is the five step process where you will asked to confirm your country, plan, billing terms (annual / monthly, recurring On / Off), your billing address, credit card details etc. Image showing checkout page

  3. After filling out all the details, and successfully placing the order, the last step is to configure SaaS account. Image showing successful checkout page

Please note

You will now leave Microsoft AppSource and enter Rapid Platform Sign-up Experience.

  1. You will be navigated to Rapid Sign-up Page. The Saas account configuration process is initiated. Welcome Rapid screen appears. You need to provide a unique account name and click Next. Image showing Welcome screen for Rapid sign in Experience
Please note

If another account exists with your entered name, the system will prompt you to enter a unique account name.

  1. Next, you need to select the type of installation. If you have administrator privileges, you can select Yes. Else, for all other user types, you should select No (Limited functionality). Image showing type of installation selection screen

  2. As the next step, you need to provide options for configuring the SharePoint Document Storage for your account. You have two options: a) Provide a Team Name b) Use a custom MS365 storage and document library from your existing Groups and Document Libraries.

Image showing Document Storage configuration page

Please note

You can select either a) or b) as an option. If you Check the box to "Use a custom Microsoft 365 group ...", then the field to enter Team Name will be disabled. Further you can select your desired Group and Document Storage Library from Dropdowns.

If this option is unchecked, then the dropdowns to Group and Document Library are disabled, and Team Name text field becomes active.

  1. Carefully read through all the Terms and Conditions of account creation and usage, click the checkbox and press "Next". Image showing Terms and Conditions page

  2. Thats it! The system will do all the Provisioning of your subject Rapid account (based on details provided) with reference to Microsoft applications. Just click "Next" when all the three icons appear green. Image showing Microsoft Provisioning Page

  3. Finally the system will install your Rapid Site. Click "Go to site" when the Installing bar completes. Image showing rapid site installation page

  4. You will be navigated to Sign-in Page of your New Rapid Site. Login with your MS365 login credentials. Image showing Rapid Sign-in Page


Your Rapid site is ready!

Image showing New Rapid site